Saw this in a PR at work:

let result = '';

if (bar && foo) {
  result = 'bingo bango bongo';
} else if (!bar && foo) {
  result = 'bish bash bosh';
} else if (bar) {
  result = 'ez peazy lemon squeezy';

return result

Or something similar, made me think of how you could write this cleaner.
if (fooCondition) {
  return barCondition ? 'bingo bango bongo' : 'bish bash bosh';
} else {
  return barCondition ? 'ez peazy lemon squeezy' : '';

Seeing as we are not doing anything else aside from returning, we can use all turneries.

return fooCondition
  ? barCondition
    ? 'bingo bango bongo'
    : 'bish bash bosh'
  : barCondition
    ? 'ez peazy lemon squeezy'
    : '';

Often we can place these into an object if we want to get results based on a few parameters.
return ({
  true: {
    true: 'bingo bango bongo',
    false: 'bish bash bosh',
  false: {
    true: 'ez peazy lemon squeezy',
    false: '',

We can code golf this up a bit.
return ({
  1: {
    1: 'bingo bango bongo',
    0: 'bish bash bosh',
  0: {
    1: 'ez peazy lemon squeezy',
    0: '',

An object with numbers for keys is just an array.
return [['bingo bango bongo', 'bish bash bosh'], ['ez peazy lemon squeezy', '']][

Much better.