Session storage is available on the global window object, it’s API is very similar to localStorage but I cannot think of one case when I used it. Mdn states that sessionStorage is cleared when the page session ends.

A page session lasts for as long as the browser is open and survives over page reloads and restores.

Below let’s have three outputs, one that is pulling from localStorage, another pulling from sessionStorage, and the last showing regular javascript memory.

Session storage example

How does a static site such as this one handle a session? The below output will reset when the browser or tab is closed.


Local storage example

This output has no expiration and will only be cleared when localStorage is cleared.


Memory example

This below will only keep input for the existence of this page, if refreshed, the output will reset.


There are other storage types we could use (cookies, indexdb, external database). Session storage seems like a way to create a “Single page app” like experience where we can keep data persistent navigating through pages of the same domain, but not as well as localStorage.

Code used

function getOutput(storageObject) {
  return parseInt(storageObject.getItem('output-result'), 10) || 0;

function createExample(storageObject, namespace) {
  const outputElm = document.getElementById(`${namespace}-storage-result`);
  const incBtn = document.getElementById(`${namespace}-storage-button`);
  const clearBtn = document.getElementById(`${namespace}-clear-button`);

  clearBtn.addEventListener('click', evt => {
    outputElm.innerHTML = getOutput(storageObject);
  incBtn.addEventListener('click', evt => {
    let output = getOutput(storageObject);

    storageObject.setItem('output-result', output);
    outputElm.innerHTML = output;

  outputElm.innerHTML = getOutput(storageObject);

createExample(sessionStorage, 'session');
createExample(localStorage, 'local');
    output: 0,
    getItem() {
      return this.output;
    setItem(_, op) {
      this.output = op;
    clear() {
      this.output = 0;